
8 onderdelen
Er is brand. Ontdek je het zelf of gaat het brandalarm af? Het is belangrijk dat je weet wat je moet doen en dat je snel acteert. Als eerstehulpverlener leer je in 8 afzonderlijke modules hoe je te werk gaat bij een brandmelding, welke voorzieningen er zijn om brand te doven en hoe deze te gebruiken. Daarnaast kun je zelf veel preventieve maatregelingen nemen.

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Firefighting in incidents
There is a fire. Did you discover it yourself or did the fire alarm go off? It is important that you know what to do and act quickly. In this e-learning, you will learn all the characteristics...
Firefighting in incidents
Prevention & Provisions
Prevention literally means to prevent. Preventing fire and preventing situations that block a safe escape route. Provisions for this are...
Prevention & Provisions
Using the fire hose reel
Various extinguishing agents are available for putting out a small, starting fire. In this e-learning, you will learn the characteristics of the fire hose reel...
Using the fire hose reel
Using the foam extinguisher
Various extinguishing agents are available for putting out a small, starting fire. In this e-learning, you will learn the characteristics of the foam extinguisher...
Using the foam extinguisher
Using the carbon dioxide extinguisher
Various extinguishing agents are available for putting out a small, starting fire. In this e-learning, you will learn the characteristics of the carbon dioxide extinguisher...
Using the carbon dioxide extinguisher
Using the powder extinguisher
Various extinguishing agents are available for putting out a small, starting fire. In this e-learning, you will learn the characteristics of the powder extinguisher...
Using the powder extinguisher
Using the fire blanket
This e-learning covers the fire blanket. The fire blanket is used under certain conditions. You will learn what those are, how to prepare the fire blanket, and how to apply it...
Using the fire blanket
Door procedure in case of fire
This e-learning covers the door procedure in case of fire. Fire needs oxygen. The more oxygen, the fiercer the fire. Therefore, never open a door behind which...
Door procedure in case of fire